Take a moment

Take a moment

by Penelope Stephens

With the year coming to an end and the world also seemingly coming to an end with the death of TikTok, there’s never been a better time to stop and smell the roses. (This is a joke, guys. We obviously still have YouTube and Instagram to keep us scrolling 😅). 

Now, I’m not talking all that “toxic positivity” jargon that’s like “appreciate what you have” because you should never settle. If you want more out of life, you should go get it. 

But I am talking about how far you’ve come already. 

Maybe you got a new job this year, joined a gym, added more vegetables to your diet, started posting content, started a business, made a new friend, quit your 9-5, called your mum more than last year, left a bad relationship, learnt how to cook… 

Any milestone is still a milestone. 

My dad has always said to me “As long as you’re doing something, not nothing, everything will be okay.” 

This has stuck with me my whole life and made me not beat myself up during moments of being unsure in my early 20s (and still onwards). 

It has made me try new things all the time but also helped me to reflect on how often I make changes to myself. 

Things like…

Not knowing what I wanted to study but still studying something. Not knowing what career I wanted, but still applying for, auditioning (I had a dancing stint 😅) and taking jobs. Not knowing how to dress but still experimenting with styles. Going to events I wasn’t sure if I’d like until I got there. Not understanding other cultures but still jumping on a plane.
The moments where you are stagnant are the ones you should worry about. Not the decision itself. 

Because making the wrong decision is better than no decision. 


If you’re exactly where you were last year - same crappy job, same dirty share house, same hometown, same bad relationship, same terrible friendship group… then it might be time to make some changes. 

If you changed even one of the things you weren’t happy with last year, you should be proud.
Growth no matter how small is still growth. 

Stopping to appreciate change in yourself is important because even 1% better is still better than 0% better.  

A change doesn’t need to be overwhelming drastic - as long as you’re keeping the wheels turning.
But make sure to check the screws in the wheels because when they stop, progress stops.
Take this time in the year to appreciate the hard work in yourself, no matter what you’ve achieved this year. 
Stop and smell the roses but remember there are many more gardens ahead if you plant the seeds. (Analogies are so fun omg). 

Do something, never nothing because - nothing changes if nothing changes. 


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