Fake it till you make it

Fake it till you make it

by Penelope Stephens

If we had a dollar for every time someone asked us, how to start a business, a social media account or a portfolio when you have nothing, we'd be billionaires. 
Starting from zero; from scratch, is a scary thing. 

We know, because we have been there. 
Boring Studios started from nothing. Zero clients, zero followers and (almost) zero dollars in our bank account. 
Well just like Nora Smith makes bubblegum from scratch, you can too make a portfolio, social media account or business literally from nothing. 
Here's how...
You've probably heard the term fake it till you make it. 
If there's one saying you should live by to get ahead in life, it's that one. 
Not confident? Fake it. 
Don't have the skills the client is asking for? Fake it
(and then go learn and then deliver) 
No client work? Fake it. 
Faking it is not about being dishonest. It's about aligning your actions with your aspirations. 

It's the only way to grow. 
Act, dress and speak like the person you WANT to be, not necessarily the person you are. 
Same goes for your work. 
Create the work you WANT to create. 
Faux client work is creating a portfolio or social media account of passion projects that you have created.
It's actually better than real client work.

By creating the faux projects, you are attracting the ideal client; the client who's work you want to create. 
Passion projects mean you can create exactly what you want to so it should be fun and much easier than being told what to do. 

It sets you up for the clients you want and its exactly how we started Boring Studios. 
We started posting Brands we had create purely for fun. 

We injected our personalities alongside the work we wanted to create and this attracted our ideal client. 
These clients wanted work we liked creating and they aligned with our personalities. 

Anyway, the crux of this is that if you start posting your passion projects you will attract the right client eventually. 

If you're going for a creative job that you may not have the experience for, create a portfolio of your passion projects and submit that. 

You don't need published or client work to get experience - make your own. 

Remember no one has it all figured out (even us) so fake it till you make it. 


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