Tired of your excuses
by Penelope Stephens
This week Eden and I watched The Meg 2.
An absolute, colossally average blockbuster film, but it's storyline is equally enjoyable as it is average.
Because sometimes we watch movies, not for their cinematic value, but for their ability to help you switch off your brain for a while.
(I promise I'm getting to the point 😂)
Sometimes these movies have a generic quote that is so valid and sticks with you.
Here's one from Jason Statham's character:
"We work the problems one by one. We do what's in front of us. And then we do the next thing."
Guys... this quote I tells ya... it hit me hard.
So sometimes the thing we WANT to do is blocked by thing we HAVE to do.
So avoiding a gigantic shark and watching your friends get shot is stopping you from getting your work done...
Yeah... maybe something like that...
(This is the plot of the Meg 2 - sorry for ruining it).
So the quote essentially means, do the things you have to do first.
Like surviving.
Simple right?
We can get so overwhelmed by all the things we have to do that we do none.
I get it. I'm there a lot. That's why I enjoyed this quote so much.
Because sometimes excuses are valid; being tired, sick, hungry, not having enough money, it's too loud, getting chased by a huge shark etc...
But don't get me wrong, sometimes excuses are not valid and you're purely just making excuses like:
"I’ve been so busy lately."
(You make the time for the things you think are important)
"I completely forgot."
(Use a calendar)
"I’m trapped in a Netflix binge I can’t escape."
(This one speaks for itself)
Anyway, my point is that it is okay to have things blocking the things you want to do.
You just don't need to make excuses for them because you're only lying to yourself.
Sorry... the Netflix binge can probably wait... (But also allow yourself to have downtime if you're burnt out because no good work gets done if your tank is empty - a topic you can find here 🫶).
As Jason Statham says, you can only tackle the thing that's in front of you before you can move on.
Tackle things one by one.
Too hungry to focus? Go eat.
Too tired to work on your side project? Go to bed and get up early to work on it.
Sharehouse too loud to start a side hustle? Find a sharehouse that aligns with your goals.
Too shy to make content? Practice and/or find friends and partners that build your confidence.
Want to start dating but your parents are strict? Move out.
Want to start a business? Quit your 9-5 (like within reason and savings ofc)
It's okay to have excuses.
For real.
As you can see, some excuses are big blocks - like having an unsupportive partner.
And some are small blocks - like being tired.
But... just fix the one that's in front of you.
One by one.
Step by step.
Even if you can't see the next step, take that first step ya know.
Anyway, I'm off to have a nap because as I said, I'm tired.
And that's okay to pause what I WANT to do because I HAVE to do something else, like sleep or survive.
Lots of love,