Is Boring Studios a pyramid scheme?
by Penelope Stephens
If you read last week's Boring Issues©️ Roses and Reflections, you'd be please to know we still haven't left "reflection mode".
The end of the year literally makes us reflect.
Like its forcing us to whether we want to or not.
So I guess I'm embracing it rather than fighting it.
I'm not a big believer in New Year's Resolutions because if you want to start something, the best time is now.
But if you need a "fresh start" to try something new, there is no better time than a new year.
And there is also nothing wrong with that. I get it.
The new year feels... fresh and new like an unopened box of After Dinner Mints...🍫🍃 😂
This week I want to talk about why you should be doing something you're proud of - whatever it is.
And if 2024 wasn't the year to be proud of, who cares, there's a new one right around the corner.
A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to see my brother in Osaka Japan - quite literally by chance.
(It made me feel really grateful to see him around Christmas time because I wouldn't be going back to Australia for Christmas).
Note to self (and to anyone else who happens to read this secret note): Christmas isn't about family, friends, presents, food or being loved. It's about being happy with yourself - even if that means you're alone. Put on a movie and make yourself a platter of sweets if you don't have anyone to spend it with. What a great excuse to relax 🍪
Alright 5 paragraphs and distractions later, let's get to the crux of this piece.
Back to seeing my brother.
My brother introduced Eden and I to his friends.
They all work in IT and would have absolutely no idea what Boring Studios is, even if we explained it to them (which we tried).
Anyway, my brother called Boring Studios a "pyramid scheme" when explaining our business to his friends.
When my brother said this, you know what we did?
We laughed.
It didn't make us mad because we know Boring Studios is not a pyramid scheme and we don't need to defend it to people who don't understand what we do.
We are so proud of Boring Studios and all the work we have put into it and that makes the difference between "defending" your work or simply letting the "water run off your back" when someone says something about your career or job.
If you feel the need to defend what you do, maybe you're not proud of it? Maybe the person talking smack doesn't understand your industry?
Regardless, you should be choosing work that you're proud of so when someone does discredit you, who cares...
Work that makes you laugh when someone calls it "sh*t" because you know its not.
I think if you're truly proud and happy in your life and what you do, there is no reason you need to defend yourself because you know the truth.
So the lesson here is, choose something you personally feel proud to do.
Something you are working hard on.
It doesn't need to be about money or influence - it should just be what you think is good work.
Side story: I was reading a Coco Mocoe Substack article the other day (her work is so fire - link below*).
In her article she talked about how an agent told her to start streaming because its good money.
She said no because she wouldn't be proud of it and that's just one example of saying no to things because they don't align with you, even if it means losing out on $$$.
Don't be afraid to say no to opportunities if they feel wrong.
Stick to your guns, your brand and your gut instincts - that will ensure you stay true to yourself and you will stay proud of what you do.
People will always judge you or misunderstand your vision.
Stand your ground and be proud of the things you do and the things you enjoy.
Laugh next time someone discredits you or your work.
No one can take away your hard work or how you feel about what you do, unless you let them.
You know in yourself that you enjoy your work, you work hard and you are proud of yourself.
You don't need your parents, professors, friends and especially not strangers to tell you they're proud of you.
You don't need anyone to confirm that for you.
Confirm it for yourself.
If you're not proud of who you are or what you do, you can always change it.
New year incoming...
Lots of love,
PS I'm proud of you 🫶 (Unless you run a pyramid scheme. Then I'm not proud and you should do something else).
PSS I'm proud that we have made 50 Boring Issues©️ 🥹
Thanks for reading them xx
*Coco Mocoe Substack - articles on personal branding.