What do we do if we fall down?

What do we do if we fall down?

by Penelope Stephens

This week I had a revelation (as I so often do from overanalysing situations and turning anything bad that happens to me into a lesson...)


Eden and I were walking through a market and I was distracted by all the stuff around me. I stumbled over my feet and fell over in front of a group of people onto my butt. Everyone went "ooooooh" like they felt bad for me. 
And I felt bad for me. I was embarrassed. 
I dusted myself off and let the feeling fade away as time ticked onwards. 
Later, Eden brought it up to tease me (he's a good guy, I swear 😂) he asked me "are you still embarrassed?" 
I replied "no" because I was over it at this point. 
But it really got me thinking about how being embarrassed is one of the only emotions that's kind of a choice. 
Similar to shame, guilt or jealousy - these self-conscious emotions are all tied to how we think others perceive us.
They are all feelings that are rooted in the fear of social judgment or rejection. 
In a sense, it is your choice to feel embarrassed...

We only feel embarrassed because we think someone else is judging us. 
Are you embarrassed if you fall over and no one is around? 
Probably not. 
So why are you embarrassed to fall in front of others? 
Is there a deeper lesson here? 
Your fear of embarrassment or judgement from other people could be stopping you from doing something you want to do.
Don't let those feelings take over because embarrassment is like a made-up feeling that's just kind of evolved over time 😂
Being embarrassed is someone else's feelings projected onto you.

It's really the fear of being seen or being different. 
So next time you post content, take a risk or even just fall over and someone asks "aren't you embarrassed?"

You can say "no because that’s something you want me to feel and I don't have to feel it" 
Anyway, stop being scared to be judged. 

You only live once so do the thing you want to do without the fear of someone wanting you to be embarrassed.
That's on them. 
Dust off your butt and get back up. 

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