McDonalds has free WiFi

McDonalds has free WiFi

by Penelope Stephens

Many great things have started in a bedroom, dormroom or a basement; Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Martha Stewart’s catering company, Google… heck, even you were probably started in a bedroom 😏
When you’re starting out your business or freelancing journey, majority of us don’t have money to get an office space (us included). 
We started Boring Studios from the couch in our rental apartment in Melbourne.

We didn't even have a desk yet and I was using an old Microsoft computer with missing keys that my bird had chewed off. Keyboards are still one of his favourite toys 🙄 
This Boring Issues is a simple one but a very important one. 
It’s not about the tools, having the bells and whistles or even where you do the work. 
It’s about your determination to get that work done, no matter where you are. 
It could be a cafe, childhood bedroom, sharehouse, mum’s basement, dorm room, garage, your car (I used to write in my car because my 3 siblings were annoying), in the park or in a McDonalds (because there is free wifi). 
There are actually endless places to start and to continue and not one of them is a bad choice. 
You don’t need fancy camera equipment to start making content or the newest laptop to be a designer. 
You just need to start somewhere… anywhere. 
Remember it’s perfectly fine to start in your grandma’s basement or in the corner of your childhood bedroom. 
You don’t need to be perfect to start but you do need to start to be perfect. 
So go get busy in the bedroom and just like a baby takes 9 months to grow, so too will your business. 
Give it time but start the clock because it takes a long time to be an overnight success. 

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