Cupid's Calling 📞💘
by Penelope Stephens
He said to Reevaluate Your Relationships 🙄
Today is Valentine's Day and before you get all upset if you're single, it's not just about couples.
It's also a day to show love to your friends and especially yourself.
If you're on this list, you're a freakin' go-getter and we know you already love yourself enough to want to be better.
So today get yourself a treat. Let it be sweet, savoury or not food at all.
PS. We love you and you are our Valentine 😘
So as you may know, Eden and I, Penelope are business partners and real-life romantic partners.
To those who didn't know, I bet you're shocked 😳
Now, this dynamic isn't for everyone and it doesn't mean your relationship isn't strong and it certainly doesn't mean it is bad.
You may have completely different interests and have completely different work-ethics so a business together may not work.
BUT if you want to start a business and your partner is holding you back, then... maybe we have an issue.
Yes, I know this topic is not entirely business-related related but your partner could be something that is stopping you from reaching your potential. Also to be clear, this is my opinion and I am by no means a relationship expert or counsellor 🫶
How do you know if your partner is holding you back?
They discourage your growth. When you mention you want to do something, they list off all the reasons you SHOULDN'T do it.
They are not excited for your wins. When you tell them about an achievement, they downplay it or make it not seem exciting. Every win should be celebrated and encouraged by your partner. They should be your biggest fan.
They don't align with your goals. Maybe they like to party, eat lots of fast food and watch lots of TV while you want to work on your business, meal prep and go to the gym. Differences are okay but make sure they don't affect your goals or make you feel bad for wanting to go to the gym rather than get drunk with friends.
Emotionally draining. They always have issues and are constantly negative, gossiping, dramatic or complaining about the same things over and over. This is a big one for friends and family too. Avoid these vampires. They will suck your energy dry.
Poor communication. They may refuse to talk about problems or anything that's on their mind which can cause stagnation instead of growth. (This one can totally be taught and easily fixed).
Finally, insecurity and jealousy. A big one also for friends and family but especially partners. These people want to keep you on their level and will never want you to grow and they will never be happy for you. These people are not your people.
Okay, that was a long list of negativity and there's obviously a lot more than that.
But that's enough for now - especially on valentine's day 😬 I hope no one broke up from this list today... but also it's better you know.
So how do we know who our people are?
Your partner should make you feel safe, at ease and comfortable.
They should make you feel like you can do anything you want, helping you shoot for the moon.
Your partner should be supportive and caring towards you.
In short, your partner should make the world feel endless and vast.
You should never feel boxed in or like the world is limited to your own four walls.
You should admire your partner so much that you would be happy to trade lives with them and they should feel the same about you.
You grow more together than you do apart, so find your person.
And if you haven't or don't want to, do it alone because that's fine too.
But remember you'll never grow tall if there is a net keeping you stuck.