Your paycheck is the problem

Your paycheck is the problem

by Penelope Stephens

POV: You're frustrated with your 9-5; your colleagues, your boss and the work sucks.

Its been 13 days since you've been paid. Tomorrow's pay day. You think about quitting but you also have bills to pay.

You get paid, get a little treat, pay those bills and the whole pay check is gone. You have to wait another 14 days to be paid.

Then, repeat the cycle. 
Now, I could go on and say "quit your job" and "take the risk" but honestly that is not going to help you if you are in a 9-5, living paycheck to paycheck.

You'll be on the streets pretttyyy quickly. 
I get it.

Because, believe it or not, there was a time when I lived paycheck to paycheck. 

Before I met Eden, maybe 4 years ago, I lived by myself in Melbourne, Australia.

I had a pretty good full-time copywriting job and rented an apartment on my own. 

If you know Melbourne, you know its not cheap to rent, or live or even breathe - so I lived basically paycheck to paycheck. 

Breaking that cycle is not easy.

But we all know the best things in life aren't the easiest to obtain - otherwise everyone would be successful with a ripped body. 

So here's some actionable advice to actually stop the cycle. 

1. Quit your job but only for a better offer. 

No, not a better money offer. Flexibility offer.

Time is more precious than money if you want to build a business.

If you can find a job that provides you with the freedom of more time - that's what you want. 

Work from home jobs or less hours - take those. 

With this extra time, you can have the time for your side hustle business. 
2. Get a second job to save 

I did this. I had a 9-5 but I also did freelance writing for an agency from 7-9am and 9-11pm.

I also sometimes picked up hospitality work on weekends.   

You could do remote tasks like admin or manual labour like stacking shelves. 

This gives you the freedom of savings. Savings to take risks. 
3. Cut out the fun (everyone's favourite)
Now, if you want to be successful, this will happen at least once to focus, save money and get ahead. 

If you're not isolating yourself, cutting out EVERY expense and going "dark mode" at least once in your entrepreneurial/business starting career, you haven't even begun yet. 

Dark mode is where you say "no" to anything that isn't helping you reach your goals - friends, family, Netflix, UberEats, junk food... 

This is where the magic happens. 
3.1 In terms of cutting out expenses;
Look, we've all done the math. 

Cutting out your $7 morning coffee everyday for a year is $2,500.

That's not even monthly rent in Melbourne. 

But if you cut out $200 drinks or dinner on the weekend, you're looking at $10,400 per year or $800 per month. 

Those big "luxury" expenses are the ones you want to cut out. 
Cut out the fun means;
You'll save the money to be able to take the risk. 

You'll save the time to work on your hustle. 

And you'll cut out people who waste your time. 

Its a win, win, win situation. 

So basically, the conclusion is that you need time and you need money to be able to take the risks and to start actually working towards your goals. 

If starting a business is something that you really want, don't be fooled by the dopamine that your paycheck gives you.

You need to be honest with yourself that the only person standing in your way is yourself. 

That dopamine from getting paid is how they keep you stuck.

So find your way to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, even if its hard for a while. 

Nothing great comes easy, but its always worth it.


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