Does being an entrepreneur run in your blood?
by Penelope Stephens
There are almost 20,000 people on this email list (omg) and each one of you is important to us. But there has been one person who's been here since Boring Issues #001.
He has replied to almost every one of these emails with his own insights (see some below). This email is dedicated to him - my dad - hi dad 👋
Let's get into it...
So as you may know, Boring Studios is made up of Eden and I (Penelope). We are both very business and creative minded. I won't lie to you though, Eden is much more hard-working than I am 😂.
Even though we are very similar in many ways, you'd be surprised to know that we were hatched from very different eggs. Our upbringings were vastly different but we don't have time to delve into the deep deep 😂 so here is a quick overview of our families.
My family is full of entrepreneurs. My grandpa came over here from China and worked his way up with my grandma to own 10+ businesses before his passing. My dad, has never worked for anyone but himself. My mum also freelances and one of my older sisters works for herself. I've been surrounded by entrepreneurs my whole life.
Eden's family on the other hand isn't filled with entrepreneurs (although a couple of his cousins work for themselves). Eden's parents are some of the best people I've ever met. Hardworking, kind and they raised some very impressive children. Eden wasn't surrounded by business growing up.
And some would argue (me) that Eden's drive for business and Boring Studios surpasses any other 🫶 (Is this a love letter to Eden? 😍)
Anyway, the very simple (but important) crux of this is that nature and nurture don't matter if you have a drive to start a business, work for yourself or do something out of the traditional path.
All that matters is that drive (and a touch of courage ofc).
Don't focus on where you came from because you can do anything and be anyone you want. If you don't know how, there are a million ways to learn anything these days.
The only thing stopping you from being who you want to be is yourself.
Here's some wise words from my dad about business and success.
- Family comes before your job, but you need to have a job to have a family. Find the job that fits with your family. [family = one or more persons in your close to you life] My take: Have a purpose for why you start something.
- ONLY do a job you like, not a do job because ‘they’ said so. My take: Don't listen to anyone. Its your life, no one else's.
- DON'T believe the academics when they say you will need this to do a job. They don’t know, they have never had a real job anyway. My take: You don't need to study to be great.
- Do something not nothing. NO one can see you do NOTHING! My take: Don't be afraid to try new things when you are lost.
- You only get hired when the hirer sees you do something. My take: Don't be afraid to show the world your skills. Post those videos, share your art and your work.
- You make a lot more money doing a job you like and someone has seen you do, than a 9-5 because someone said so. My take: Find your passion and turn it into your career.
And finally
"I have never applied for a job in my 50 year job life, the jobs came to me because I did something all the time and got noticed (a lot)"
My take: Find what you love and make your target audience come to you.
I hope this week's issue was motivational to our freelancing, business owning or aspiring audience.
I've been so overwhelmed by the amount of people that are resonating with these Boring Issues (like in a good way 🫶).
If you ever have questions or want to tell me your stories, please hit the reply button below. I will always email you back (some weeks I can be slower than others, so please be patient with me on a reply).
Helping you grow with us is truly is why we do what we do. We want to inspire you to be the best you can be, while guiding you through what we know.
Now go focus on your future to become who you want to be, without focusing on where you've come from 🫶
Much love,