A Guide to outgrowing your environment.
by Penelope Stephens
As you may know, we are chronically online and I watch a lotttt of videos everyday.
Yes, I am ashamed 😂... but honesty is an important factor in being an authentic person. (more on this topic another day maybe).
So one video I watched recently was a business owner who said something like "you'll be successful when you leave your home town and move to a city."
Is she right? 🤔
Now her first point was about the energy of a big city.
You're surrounded by hustlers and the "buzz" so you too adopt this energy.
Something I definitely agree with. If you're living in a sleepy countryside town, of course you just want to be cosy in bed with a cuppa tea, staring out at the rain or the snow, playing Roblox or reading a book. (This sounds so nice 😫).
The second part about moving to a new city is leaving your old life and the environment you once knew.
Another thing I strongly agree with.
Now, I know not everyone can just up and move or even to take a vacation or travel to a new city. (You are a blessed if you can).
But... I want you to remember.
You are a product of your environment. Your city. Your friends. Your parents.
It all impacts who you are, your motivation, your thought patterns and ultimately... your success.
How are you expecting to evolve when you still live with your parents?
How are you expecting to change if you see the same route everyday?
How do you expect to succeed if you're still talking about the same people from high school?
In short. You won't.
You cannot have a new life if you do not say goodbye to the old one.
Now, I'm not saying cut everyone out and move to a big city alone. (Although this is probably a great idea for self-growth).
Just start to ask yourself where you see growth in your life?
Is it at the pub on a Friday night talking smack about past relationships?
Probably not.
Success starts with you, your choices and your environment.
So clean up the weeds around you because you never know what's underneath. A rose maybe? Amongst thorns? 🤔
Sometimes you have to use weed killer and it will hurt because nothing comes without being uncomfortable first.
(Eden always says discomfort comes before growth so go and feeeel that discomfort).
Anyway, you can't see a flower if it is covered by weeds.
Just a thought.