A guide to finding your personal brand.

A guide to finding your personal brand.

by Penelope Stephens

We get asked so often about building personal brands and it can seem complicated when we explain all the ins and outs of building a brand. 
But this week, I've learnt a really simple way to craft your personal brand and essentially, to work out who you are. 
This week I've been listening to "How to Steal Like an Artist". It's a great book so far - highly recommend. 
One thing that they delve into is finding your style as an artist. 

This information can be used to craft your style as a writer, artist, designer, movie producer - any creative really. 

But also to create a personal brand. 

Essentially, nothing is original (sorry to be the one to tell you). 

All artists "steal" from each other through inspiration. 

If you go all the way back to the great artists - Monet, Caravaggio, Da Vinci, Picasso... They all had mentors and people they drew inspiration from. 

It's no big deal. "Steal" from others.

Realistically it would be really hard to copy anything exactly even if you tried. So don't feel like you can't "steal" or take inspiration from others. 

Anyway, in "How to Steal Like an artist", the author, Austin Kleon talks about making a list of all the people who inspire you and blending them to create a mix of your own style. 

Make a list of your favourite colours, movies, directors, writers, artists, designers, producers, painters etc. (Doesn't have to be in your niche). So even if you're a designer, you can put musicians, movie directors, writers etc on your list. 

Then write out a few sentences with your blend to create your personal brand. 

"My personal brand will feel like a bite of a dark chocolate cake that's sweet on the outside but burns a little when you get to the inside. It's aesthetic like a Sofia Coppola movie but raw and real like a Charles Bukowski book." 

This is your foundation for your personal brand. 

There's no rules here, more of an essence, vibe or a feeling. You can write out your rules later or just let them fall into place over time.

Follow your blend and you have created a unique personal brand to follow and build on. 

So simple. So perfect.

And, ultimately it does create something original (even though we said no one is original before 😏). 
Just like your personal brand, you are a blend of all the things you like, your experiences and your sense of self (what you tell yourself you are).

So go make a list of the things you like and build on it to create your unique personal brand. 

Because you are an artist, writer, designer, music producer - whatever the f*ck you want to be.  

It all starts with a list of inspiration. 


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