We live in a world of clout. How to get yours.
door Penelope Stephens
"Wow you only have 200 followers"
Imposter syndrome? No clout? Can you even be a creative?
This morning I had a dream that I would like to discuss.
Now, I'm not all "woo-woo" (Eden would argue otherwise) and I don't often delve deep into what dreams mean because I truly think they are just a jumble of your thoughts.
BUT aren't our thoughts an accurate representation of what we think - especially of ourselves?
And also it can sometimes be fun to Google what your dreams mean. Say you've dreamt of a lamb and then you find out that they mean wealth is coming.
I think that this feeling of hope is motivating in a way. Like faith, religion or a tarot reading can be, without taking it too literally.
Anyway, in my dream this morning I was at a dinner party with a famous published writer. He read out some of his work and everyone clapped and applauded him of his great work.
It was brought up that I was also a writer and my work should also be read out. My work was read out and it was also applauded like the famous writer's work had been.
After this, everyone asked if I was famous and I said no. The dream then turned into a nightmare and everyone starting saying "oh well your work isn't that great because you're not famous."
This dream really got me thinking about two different things. The first being "clout".
Now, if you don't know what clout is, it is a "slang term referring to a person's influence, reputation, or popularity, especially in online spaces."
Clout has been around long before social media but it is much more evident now.
In Hollywood, you really only need one powerful person to back up your talent to get ahead. A good directer giving a new actor a chance for example.
In social media, you need 100,000s of followers to be "relevant" and it really doesn't matter how talented you are. What really matters is how relatable you can be (combined with dedication to growing that social media account).
For creatives, majority of us just want to create. This leaves so many talented people behind.
It made me a bit upset to think about all those creatives who are introverted, scared to be perceived or who don't know how to get their work published or showcased into the big scary world.
I wish Boring Studios could change this narrative and maybe we will one day but for now, this is the way the world works.
You do need a bit of "clout" to get ahead in creative industries.
This got me thinking about the second part of my dream; imposter syndrome.
What is it? Basically, it is the feeling that you are not good enough at something.
"I'm not good enough to get my work published"
"My designs aren't unique enough to start an Instagram"
"No one will like my videos"
"I'm not pretty enough to be an influencer"
Notice how all of these feelings are first person? This is your own thought pattern.
Imposter syndrome can be controlled and squished by you.
So if you put your imposter syndrome thoughts together with the fact that you have no clout, OF COURSE you feel like you're inadequate to that published writer or famous creative.
I'll tell you a secret - the only difference between that famous creative and you is that they have their work published.
They're not any more talented than you. They just have the clout and the mindset that they deserve it. (Plus, they have worked hard to get there - no discredit to any successful creatives at all).
As I said, I can't change how the world works for you or for me.
All we can do to get ahead as creatives is to shift our mindset and understand that we are just as good as other successful creatives, we just have to work hard to get there.
Want to grow a social media following?
Post everyday for months.
Want to be a famous actor?
Attend 100 auditions before landing a role.
Want to grow a successful business?
Fail 50 times before you succeed.
Want to be a published author?
Send your book to 50 publishers before one accepts. (Or self-publish 😏).
Want your art showcased in a large gallery?
Pitch to 20 small galleries before one says yes and then work your way up to the Louvre.
Please note: These are not real stats, but you get the idea.
The crux of this piece is that there is nothing standing in your way to becoming the successful creative you want to be.
First step - understand that you're good enough to do anything you want in this life.
Second step - build that reputation and "clout" through repetition.
Finally, delve deep into your dreams 😂
I'm joking, don't do that.
xo P