Why are you listening to random feedback online?
door Penelope Stephens
All of a sudden everyone seems to be an expert at my creative field
Some criticism you should take on board and some you should...ignore
So, I just wrote a whole Boring Issues which I thought was really good but Eden didn't think it was relatable enough for our audience.
And... that's fine... 🥲... I'm okay with it... (😭).
Let's chat about something I know is relatable to our creative peers and that is criticism.
If you're a business owner, freelancer, content creator or creative of any kind, you would have heard some criticism from someone, somewhere in your life.
Heck, I'm sure everyone, everywhere has copped some sort of criticism in their lives.
For us at Boring Studios, we do receive some hate on social media. And, of course, we have received some from clients and other various places over the years.
So we know that it does suck.
But being chronically online and having clients makes criticism unfortunately, unavoidable.
How do we deal with criticism?
Identify if that person is looking for a better outcome or if they are a hater.
- Eden telling me he didn't like the first Boring Issues is constructive. He obviously wants the best for the business.
- Your friend Jenny telling you that your business idea sucks and that you're actually ugly is coming from a place of hate.
Remember my friends that "No one doing more than you will ever criticise you"
- That comment on your Reel from Jimmy the carpenter on how our branding process is wrong is also coming from a place of hate. (Stick to carpentry Jimmy - I won't come and tell you how to do your job).
- That client who wants some more changes to their design... hard to say 😅 Nah for real, this usually isn't hate.
Another way to deal with criticism is to understand that you cannot please everyone.
There will always be someone who has an opinion or another way to do something.
The best way to overcome this is to do what you enjoy without worrying what anyone else will think of it.
What you do is valuable to you. And if its valuable to you, then its valuable to someone else somewhere too.
Anyway... the crux of this piece is that criticism will be everywhere, especially for us creatives, business owners and freelancers.
Learn not to take it personally because if you have chosen the path of a creative, you will probably cop a lot.
xo P+E