Not all hoarding is bad (a non-generic fix to creative block) ͏

Not all hoarding is bad (a non-generic fix to creative block) ͏

door Penelope Stephens

Sometimes I get lost (or overwhelmed) with what to do with my career, my life, my day and sometimes, surprise, surprise, with what to write for Boring Issues... 
Do I really have so many issues that I can think of one every week? 🤔 

I try to 😂

Sometimes I have 10 issues I want to talk about in a week and sometimes I have none.  
So, where do I go when I'm stuck for ideas? 
My trusty notes app or my notebook. 
There's no one better to draw inspiration from than yourself. 
Quick creative tip: Have a notebook on you at all times OR utilise your notes app. Anytime you have an interesting thought or an idea, write that sh*t down. You might want it later. 
A few notes from my notes app lately: 

  • Social media used to be cooler
  • Change your success metrics and how you value success
  • Sometimes life feels like a performance
  • I've become intolerant of people
  • You can't be a ballerina with technique alone - like life
  • Pay attention to the things you pay attention to
  • You get less awkward as you get older
  • Walk away from anything that isn’t helping you
  • Visit the past
  • Why is everyone such a hater?

Now, I wish I could ask you to pick one right now, but alas even with all the modern technological advancements, there is no way I can right now. 
So I will pick one at random... 🥁🥁🥁
This is too hard... I think I'm more overwhelmed now 😫
So let's keep on theme. 
Let's visit the past - like I just did up there with my list from my notes app. 
Drawing inspiration from past experiences is exactly what sets us apart from the AI. 
We are alive and full of experiences - each person has their own unique set of experiences, creating a world of completely unique people. How cool is that? 
Even if you think you're similar to someone, you'll never be exactly the same because you've had different life experiences.
And then your life experiences get all melted together, like lots of different flavoured candles, to create you - a unique individual (and multi-flavoured candle) 
That's a nice thought for once. That's kind of your purpose - to just exist as a unique flavoured candle. Just exisiting is pretty cool.  
Now, on the flip side, we DO NOT want to be one of those people that says "time's were good back then" frequently. 

It's fine to reminisce but there's not "I peaked in high school"people here. 

Keep peaking and growing for your WHOLE life. 
As Tony Soprano says "No good story ever starts with remember when"  
And he's not wrong. Don't dwell on the past.
But visiting the past can be a goldmine for creativity or self-growth. 
Ways to visit the past could be revisiting your old work or reflecting on personal experiences.
How have you changed? How has your work changed?
Not big on self reflection? 

Visiting the past can also be visiting someone else's past. History, galleries or old books.

Some examples maybe?

  • Old sketches or designs - got some old sketchbooks. Maybe try revisiting unfinished or abandoned concepts to spark fresh ideas.
  • Personal journals or notes - maybe you've some ideas that felt irrelevant before? Might make more sense now.
  • Past client work - boring one 😂 but identifying patterns in what worked (or didn’t) could help you for sure.  
  • Classics - I lovveeee an old flick (The Birds, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Rosemary's Baby... okay I like old horror) Try watching an older, classic film.
  • Nostalgic media - on that note, try some media that sparks nostalgia. One of your favourites as a child. Movies, music, or books from your past can trigger new creative directions.
  • Your own business journey - We do this pretty often with Boring Studios because looking back at how you started can reveal things you may have missed or forgotten about.
  • Handwritten ideas or scribbles - sometimes, ideas written in the margins hold hidden gems. Maybe you have some in your favourite old books? 

Social media tip: Looking for a target audience for your new content? How about YOU five years ago? What have you learnt? What do you wish you knew back then? 
Don't be afraid to store, hoard, save, archive, stash... whatever you want to call it - your ideas and your inspiration. 

Pinterest boards, inspo screenshot folders, notebooks, photography. 

Keep capturing and revisiting. 
The only person you should be comparing yourself to, is your past self, but it's also okay to get inspiration from others. 

But hey maybe you have some cool ideas you can revisit for something new? 


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