How I became a business owner
door Penelope Stephens
You don't have to take your current job to the grave.
Boring Studios wouldn't exist if I had settled for the past.
So last week I spoke about Forrest Gump and tbh its still sticking with me. (That is one impactful movie I tells ya).
Forrest Gump literally lived 10 lives in one. Why are we settling for any less?
Back in the day, you would stay in a job you hated for 30 years, get a couple of promotions and then retire. Yawn.
Guess what? You don't need to do that anymore.
If you hate your job, you can quit. (obviously this is circumstantial but for the majority of this freelancing, business owning or aspiring list - there's probably not much stopping you).
So anyway. I am now a co-founder and business owner. But I used to be;
- A student working for online art magazines for free
- A failing freelancer
- A content creator for a small tech company
- An intern for an ecommerce fashion brand
- A dancer (ballet and contemporary) and dance teacher
- A failed business owner (vintage clothing brand)
- A marketing coordinator for a corporate company
- Again a freelancer + working for online art magazines (still for free)
- A copywriter for an ecommerce store
- A senior copywriter for an agency
- Head of content for an agency
- That was so weird writing out a timeline of my life...
All of the jobs in this list were under a year. But on average I would quit after 4-6 months when it was for someone else.
Why? Because I obviously hated working for other people (which I know now).
But I thought I just hadn't found the right job or I was just a bit defective 😂
The crux is, I've never settled for unhappiness or boredom and neither should you.
I have no idea what the next 5-10 years will look like but I know it will be filled with 100 more lives. Maybe?
- Own an art gallery that doubles as a studio
- Publish a book of poetry or short stories
- Have a successful YouTube channel full of short films I've written and directed
- Develop the Boring Universe further with Eden (ofc)
- Publish a coffee table book for Boring
- Create a successful Substack full of philosophy
- Have an Instagram page of just creative surreal photos
- Be a stylist
- Write a novel...
There is endless opportunities out there - just ask Forrest Gump.
He played college football, joined the army, was a ping pong champion for the USA, became a shrimp boat captain, started a shrimping company where he became a billionaire, was a philanthropist, ran around America for like 4 years non-stop, became a groundskeeper
and then finally... (I won't spoil the movie if you haven't seen it 🥹).
Forrest Gump had so many lives in one and ultimately, he found what was really important to him in the end.
Really, he knew was important to him at the very beginning of the movie.
Maybe you know what is important to you now, while you're at the beginning of your own movie (your life).
Ask yourself what is important to you. And if you don't know yet, that's okay because it might be revealed later.
So go and try different things until you find out.
Because I highly doubt your happiness is found in that 9-5 office job you dread going to everyday.
Just a thought.
With love,
P xx